Teen Zone-In! Fri 22nd September 2023 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Teen Zone-In! session, come along and join in the fun.
**Parents must attend and supervise their teens**
£3 per teen (and bring some cash for the tuck shop)
By booking a place you agree to the details you provide being added to our Member Database. We will also ask you to complete a membership form on the day or via email.
**Parents must attend and supervise their teens**
Place: The-Zone! @ Grange Community Junior School, Wren Way, Farnborough GU14 8TA. (In the annex next to the car park.)
Date: Friday 22nd September 2023
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Cost: £3 per teen
Age: 11yrs and over (including siblings)
We’ll have the games consoles, laptops etc., Lego, arts/crafts and any other activities the teens are interested in. If it is dry outside, we will get the go-karts and trikers out.