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Teen Zone! info

Our Teen Zone sessions are for any child aged 11 years + who wants to come along and meet others with similar needs.
Parents remain responsible for their child/young person at these events but it also means you get to talk to others who are at a similar stage and understand the demands of life with a teen. 


One Friday night every month we are at The Zone! with all the usual equipment; games consoles (you are allowed to bring along 12+ rated games but you MUST seek the approval of the volunteer in charge on the night first!), laptops, Lego, crafts and of course a tuck shop too. If it is light and dry outside, then we will get the go-karts and trikers out.

The cost is £3 per child and some money for the tuck shop (parents get free tea/coffee). 


We try to organise events with fun activities for the teens as often as we can (depending on funds and volunteer availability). In the past we have been for a jamming session at Rock 'n Pop, several go-karting sessions, a graffiti art evening, Laser-Run battles, up and down an indoor climbing wall, archery, and various other activities too. 
The suggestions are usually from the teens and we just organise them, so let us know if you have any ideas or if you'd like to get involved with helping us organise events.

We have our own Facebook group (for the parents only, not the teens) to keep up to date with our activities, events and other useful stuff to know. Alternatively use the Contact page to sign up for more info.

Call us:

07860 806179

Find us: 

The Zone! @
Grange Community Junior School, Farnborough

© 2016 by The Zone!

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