Fun Zone-In! on Wed 18th Aug 10.30am - 2.30pm
Summer Fun Zone-In! session, come along and join in the fun.
We may need to limit the number of people inside at any one time as we want to avoid overcrowding - but let's hope for sunshine so that we can have fun outside!
£3.50 per child or £10 for whole family where 3 or more children
Place: The-Zone! @ Grange Junior School, Wren Way, Farnborough GU14 8TA. (We are in the annexe with separate entrance, close to the car park.)
Date: Wednesday 18th Aug 2021
Time: 10.30am - 2.30pm (bring a picnic and stay all day!)
Cost: £3.50 per child or £10 per family
Age: various, so get in touch if you want to ask any questions.
Just like our Saturday Zone sessions, we’ll have all the indoor toys and equipment available. If the weather is good, we will also have our trikers and go-karts out and a bouncy castle!